A Midsummer Night's Dream transports audiences to the height of the Harlem Renaissance, where four young lovers, a troupe of rude mechanicals, and mischievous fairies find themselves entangled in a web of romantic chaos within a mystical forest. Directed by Carl Cofield, choreographed by Dell Howlett.
When and where: July 6-28, Tuesday through Sunday, 8:30 PM, free in
Marcus Garvey Park.
PRESHOWS AND VENDORS: In addition to the performance, attendees can enjoy a vendor pop-up market curated by Uptown Grand Central featuring local Harlem entrepreneurs (fashion designers, chefs, jewelry, home goods and more!) along with health and wellness activities conducted by community-based organizations Thursdays-Sundays (schedule coming soon). There will also be pre-show performances on select nights. For more information visit cthnyc.org.
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Earlier Event: July 28
African Dance with Reverend Nafisa
Later Event: July 31
Marcus Garvey Park Alliance: The Reading Circle